Thursday, November 16, 2006

What has the Internet add to postmodernity

If there is one key word to describe postmodernity - or at least its reflection in cultural product - I would like to add the term 'bricolage'. That is the pop art attempt to copy and paste and mix in order to 'create' the new. References derived from older texts have always been a major resource of creating. However, by 'bricolage', it emerged to be ever more directly than before i.e. copy without processing.

Of course the whole digital culture have added upon such expansion of bricolage art/commodities. In quoting someone, you would no longer have to comprehend someone - there are plenty of sources on the net to epitomise those contents for you - to construct a witty blog, all you have to do is copy and paste, and perhaps copy some more html codes to beautify that site. Anything simple, long, unmediated, and unreferenced, is very likely to be rejected or simply ignored.

The use of blogs in media research

I just found out that blogs can be good sites of scrunity. It's like dispersed public spheres nonetheless incorporating with a lot of unregistered domestic languages. What if every magazine editor creates one blog? What can we extract from there???