Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Stuart et al, you made me cry!

They are the best social scientists in contemporary Britain, old Anthony Giddens is nothing compare to them. Even the achievement of Stuart Hall is less sparkling in front of them, let alone others.

Too excited to talk about my skepticism about social research now......

Next time next time.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Dissertation Diary 2

I have not yet put up the observation diary I should have put. But anyway, recently, I've been thinking of revising my dissertation title time after time, in the light of the recent lectures and materials I read.

During the conversation with Youna Kim, she pointed out that it is quite unwise for a researcher to impose the idea of identity first and foremost even before starting the actual first stage of interveiw. I do intend to find out the link between the children's consumption of new media forms, esp. video games, and their position of being the offsprings of diasporas - is there a contestation between the family education (culture from original country) and the media education (British societal cultural) within such forms of consumption? Or is there a universality presented in these trans-nationally manifactuated media products that point those kids to a brand new culture than that I would have guessed? e.g. fantacies, creativities, etc. But even if it is universality in large that I can find out, I want to also contest that could there be some different forms of fantacies and creativities that children from different ethnical background would perceive differently and hence alter them from one another?

Or am I already settled in the tramp I myself set?

Come back to it soon.

An intended new title:

Dynamics of Chinese Diaspora in London - what happens when the kids play games?

(I can also compare it with other studies that has been done in a quantitative and national base.)